what else to do?

Rules : It's harder than it looks ! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers , enter yours , and tag twenty people including the person who tagged you . Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions .

They have to be real . Nothing made up ! IF the person before you had the same first initial , you must use different answers . You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question .

What is your name : kucem

A four Letter Word : kari

A boy's Name : kent

A girl's Name : kelly

An occupation :

A color : khaki

Something you'll wear : kasut

A type of food :

Something found in the bathroom : kain

A place : kenya

A reason for being late : kena tunggu train

Something you'd shout : kahkahkah

A movie title : king kong

Something you drink :

A musical group : korn

An animal : kangaroo

A type of car :
kia spectra

A type of fruit : kiwi

The title of a song : killing me softly

tagged by mira hah hah hah.


amirah, i said...

tak tahan betul , "mira hah hah hah"


k u c e m said...

bukan semuorang panggil mira haha?

faraOfafa said...

u're tagged wani KUCEM :D