minus 2% for the absence

yesterday i skipped 3 classes.

law class
english class
entrepreneurship class

parked our car at TS, went to low yat. do some survey. met Bita's bf.
back to TS, had lunch at Wendy's. bought some stuff.
from TS, nervously me driving all the way heading to IKEA. and still breathing until now. haha :P
no panic because i was with the calmest passengers that i love the most. echa, ain and bita. :)

*akan panik and gelabah cam sakai kalau ada penumpang bising dan memberi kata-kata membunuh semangat seperti "eee, dia ni bawak menakutkan". like wtf, shut the fuck up, kau tau drive ke??! suruh la aku rilex je bengong*

ate daim cake and meatballs. nyummmeeyhh! :D
bought some stuff at IKEA. then, heading back to puncak
singgah giant, potpet potpet. menuju puncak. ;p
balik mandi tido. bangun bangun da 7.30 pagi. gelabah. hahah.


faraOfafa said...

woii! u beli ape spai 215? haha.
weh benci a.
nak jugak daim cake and meatballs.
dem a ;(

k u c e m said...

macam macam gak ah.
i pon taperasan. haha :p
jum mam mam sana? :)